2DOV11.ZIP 412,250 11-10-93 2DO PERSONAL TASK MANAGER VERSION 1.1B <ASP>Personal Task Manager for MS Windows-2Do is a robust yet easy to use PIM.Software Creations calls it 'a powerful PIM,with considerable depth.' Windows Sourcesstates that '
9LIVES0D.ZIP 33,099 07-28-93 9 Lives v1.0d; 9 Lives is a desktopexpander. It makes nine "virtual desktops"available to the user, instead of thestandard one. Why is this useful? Itreduces window clutter and allows you toorganize groups of wi
ABM117.ZIP 30,052 07-16-93 Activate BackMenu v1.17: MS-Windows utilitythat floats on top of all other windows andallows easy access to Backmenu(2) when thedesktop is not visible from a full screenapplication and/or the hot-key conflicts witth
ABOUTIME.ZIP 70,245 11-03-93 ABOUT TIME v1.0; Clock/calendar program, maifeature is that it is not necessary tomaximise it to tell the time: it places thetime right on the title bar (caption) of youcurrently active application, as long as thaap
ABV30.ZIP 251,553 12-15-93 Above & Beyond 3.0 - Excellent Windows PIM.Enjoy Above & Beyond's superb DynamicScheduling. Feel your productivity surgeas it streamlines your workflow. Handlesall types of recurring items. Featurespop-up alarms, we
ADDRDB.ZIP 280,953 01-15-94 ADDRESS DATABASE 1.1 Address Database 1.1 isa Windows Phone/Address/Personal Info Manageof all, Address Database costs only $19 plus$5 shipping/handling. It is a robust AddressManager at an affordable price!
ADDRES11.ZIP 632,211 08-20-93 Windows Address Book for Business andPersonal Use
ADDRESSA.ZIP 381,043 11-12-93 ENVADDRESS v1.75; Address manager, phonedialing with redialing when busy, printing oaddress lists, envelopes and laser labels.Copying of address, dialing andenvelope/label printing with a single mouseclick. Up to 15
ALM31A.ZIP 281,987 10-12-93 ALMANAC v3.1a: Calendar/Info/Note/SchedulerFor Windows 3.1 - Several Types Of CalendarsMoon Phases, Holiday Displays, Truetype FontSupport, Time Zones. Full-featured classic.
APPAD40A.ZIP 178,867 09-26-93 Application Pad v4.0a; This program providean alternative to Window's Program Manager.It is an application pad that stays only onone side of your screen. You can launch yourfavorite programs from it. It comes with a
ATT302.ZIP 252,591 11-06-93 All the Time 3.02. This modest, unassuminglittle clock will surprise you with itsversatilitty, huh huh huh. Show time/date inany format you can concoct. Monitor memory/resources. Display tree/moon graphics showinsea
BARCLK23.ZIP 36,484 11-26-93 BarClock v2.3: formerly WinClock, MS-Windowsutil that displays useful information such athe time (in any number of time zones), thedate, free memory, free resources and freedisk space (on any number of drives) in the
BINGO.ZIP 80,760 09-28-93 One-click launching can replace a crowdedProgram Manager's multichoice selectionprocess for your favorite apps.
BTNGO.ZIP 75,630 09-28-93 BTNGO v1.0; One-click launching can replacecrowded Program Manager's multichoiceselection process for your favorite apps.
CATCHME.ZIP 164,369 10-13-93 CatchMe - displays a very smalldate/time windows that stays on top andmoves out of the way whenever the mousecursor comes near it. Now requiresVBRUN300.
CB200.ZIP 531,591 09-01-93 Clysmic Icon Bar v2.0; The only treestructured button bar program launcher. Hasdrag n' drop launch/add, DOS icon support,many color & style options. New version withno INI editing! Can be Win shell, has Startumenu b
CM_S_PK2.ZIP 175,556 11-07-93 CATCH-me does two things: It lets you knowthe time and date without getting in yourway. It will ring an alarm, alerting you ofanything from corporate commitments to whatday Saturday Night Live comes on.
CURPAN.ZIP 6,050 10-08-93 Allows mouse pointer to pan (wrap) aroundfrom the other side of the screen.
CUSTWIN.ZIP 165,022 02-23-94 CustWin v1.0; The Friendlier WindowsCustomization Tool Meant for people who getbored with the same old windowsconfiguration, but are reluctant to deal witControl Panel's clumsy interface. It is alsmeant to offer co
CWV103.ZIP 87,065 04-10-94 CLOCK WERKS v1.03; Concurrently display timeof cities around world using true clockappearance display. Up to 50 clocks for eachactivation. Hundreds of clocks by multipleactivations. Analog, digital or user-createdbi
DAGW.ZIP 75,008 11-11-93 Disk at a Glance, hard drive usage charts
DC0110.ZIP 68,973 07-16-93 Digiclk v1.10: MS-Windows compatible pgm thadisplays a small clock, showing the systemdate/time, in the lower right hand corner ofthe display
DESK01.ZIP 701,369 11-10-93 Desktop Assistant is a personal informationmanager for Windows. It includes a To-Dofeature, Address book with auto dial,perpetual calendar, notebook, calculator,alarms, and a timer. It's all combined in onsimple to
DESK1WIN.ZIP 647,503 10-25-93 Desktop Assistant; Personal informationmanager for Windows. It includes a To-Dofeature, Address book with auto dial,perpetual calendar, notebook, calculator,alarms, and a timer. It's all combined in onsimple to use
DESKLAUN.ZIP 78,002 08-11-93 Desktop Launcher v1.0; Desktop Launcher es uprograma para Windows 3.1, dise±ado para"lanzar" otros programas desde el "Desktop".La idea principal es la de asociar un iconocada programa que deseemos, permitirposicion
DP121.ZIP 80,412 02-07-94 DropPop v1.21; An addin utility for DropperYes, now you can have not only icons on yourdesktop representing applications, but iconson your desktop that call up menus full ofmore icons representing apps or documents!
DRTRASH.ZIP 7,519 10-04-93 DRTRASH; This program is intended for usewith Dropper, a desktop manager. You canleave it on the desktop, ready foractivation. It allows you to delete files bdragging them onto this icon instead ofhaving to have a
ELPHNZ.ZIP 8,553 07-24-93 Elephant Clock v2.0 for Windows; Fun clockgets chased by your mouse.
EXWINRUN.ZIP 3,395 01-12-94 A small and simple program used for those DOprograms which will NOT run from withinwindows. This will exit windows PROPERLY, ruthe program then seamlessly reenter windows.
FLUSH101.ZIP 57,133 10-04-93 File Flush v1.01; The drag and drop filedelete utility with a sense of humor. Dropfiles into the toilet, the lid goes up andyou hear a splash. Your choice of restoringfiles (one or a group) or flushing them,comple
GB302.ZIP 331,126 01-02-94 GRADEBOOK FOR WINDOWS v3.02; AdvancedWindows based GradeBook for the professionaleducator. Req VBRUN300.DLL, 2MB and win ver3.x. Online help, user categories, opt ID#'stot pt or weighted scores, discard worstscore(
GDESK_21.ZIP 37,402 12-11-93 GDesk v2.1; Popup menu utility that places amenu of your favorite applications withineasy reach -- on the desktop. It allows youto conveniently start your favoriteapplications without having to refer to theProgram
IHN.ZIP 114,796 08-13-93 In His Name; Created to fill the need for adevotional verse of the day program. Displaya new verse of the bible everytime you startWindows.
INFOBAR1.ZIP 344,527 09-13-93 System resource information bar at top ofscreen.
JEEPERSW.ZIP 323,002 09-14-93 Jeepers for Windows v1.1; Bibliographydatabase system for Windows. It uses DDE(Dynamic Data Exchange) to automatically senformatted bibliographies directly to Word,Ami Pro, & WordPerfect for Windows. Jeepersuses MDI
KEYMETER.ZIP 18,353 11-14-93 Keymeter 1.0; Creates an on-screen odometerfor your keyboard. As you work, it keepstrack of the total number of keys pressed.It's an amazingly useless program, but it isfun to play with.
LOCKSET.ZIP 12,244 10-02-93 Password-protect your desktop
MCLOCK.ZIP 28,540 08-22-93 Micro-Clock v1.0 (FreeWare); Micro-Clock isdigital clock that includes an animated filedumper for File Manager. It always stays ontop, and is positioned just inside theMin-Max controls of a program that'smaximized.
MMOU15.ZIP 25,238 11-02-93 META-MOUSE: A Cursor Visibility EnhancementUtility v1.5; Meta-Mouse is a program forMicrosoft Windows whose purpose is to improvthe visibility of the mouse cursor.
MODM12.ZIP 105,983 09-16-93 Mouse Odometer v1.2 for Windows 3.1.
MOMWIN20.ZIP1,201,874 10-02-93 Mom For Windows V2.0 Another Pim For Windows
MONTOR.ZIP 49,154 11-15-93 Disk/resource/memory monitor, PC Magazine
MORECON.ZIP 129,795 11-10-93 MORE CONTROL 2.0A <ASP>Provides more functions for Control Panel-More Control allows you to access manysettings that Microsoft did not see fit toinclude in the Control Panel. Change thefont used to display icon tit
MOVDR11.ZIP 181,202 10-06-93 Mouse Overdrive 1.1 A system wide pop up menfor Windows 3.1.
MTOOLS20.ZIP 111,902 07-17-93 Micro-Tools v1.1 Tool Box Launcher Designedto save desktop real-estate. The programbuttons are identified via the program'sicon. Two modules are provided to launcheither 20 or 30 programs using VGA or SuperVGA dis
NAGGER.ZIP 23,210 08-13-93 Nagger For Windows 3.1; The ultimatealmost-subliminal reminder program. Pops upmessages at random intervals you select. Anymessage, any font, any color. Works runningDOS from Windows. Requires VBRUN200.DLL
NEEDV10B.ZIP 147,031 11-04-93 Need v1.0; Personal information manager
ODAYW200.ZIP 378,250 12-10-93 OMNIDay for Windows v2.00; Computer diaryprogram with many features and toggles. Haover 10000 encryption options & keys. Cahandle up to 10 users at once and has a fulfeatured text editor. Internally calls
ODOMETER.ZIP 19,646 11-14-93 The Mouse Odometer 1.0; Creates an on-screenodometer for your mouse. As you work, itkeeps track of how far your mouse hastraveled. It's an amazingly useless programbut it is fun to play with.
ONTOP2.ZIP 257,179 08-29-93 Windows Utility That Is Used To Specify WhicPrograms/Windows/Icons Should Be Forced ToAppear Always On Top Of Other Windows On TheDesktop.Great For Msmail Icon. Reqs Vbrun300
ONTOP221.ZIP 7,750 09-28-93 OnTop II v2.21cs; Easy to use windowmanagement tool
PEGIF.ZIP 60,732 11-30-93 Windows: Pegif v1921024 is a Desktop MenuProgram similar to the Root menus found inX-Windows.
PHNLIST.ZIP 662,418 09-06-93 PhoneList v1.0; Maintain phone lists ofemployees in the office or around thecountry. Appropriate for companies orbusiness owners who wish to maintain adatabase of customers and contacts, or theMIS director to keep t
POSTEM10.ZIP 352,883 08-08-93 Post 'Em Notes : Send Private (or Pubic)Notes Shareware. Full Windows Clipboardsupport. "Favorite Network Note Handler!"
POSTER20.ZIP 36,066 11-04-93 Posters! is a quick and easy stickup notesprogram for Windows. It is designed to besimple to use as possible--much quicker andeasier to use than other stick-up notesprograms! Notes last from one windows sessioto th
PRGGRP17.ZIP 10,291 11-11-93 Progman-Groups 1.7; Gives you the possibilitto have groups in groups in the progammanager of Windows. Because PRGGRP usesnormal progman groups, you don't have anylimitations.
QKCAL30.ZIP 44,879 08-05-93 QuikCal v3.00: small calendar pgm forMSWindows that shows one month at a time, anevents, up to 5 per day, such as appts, to-ditems and birthdays may be entered bydoubleclicking on a day.
QUICK_10.ZIP 66,013 07-23-93 Quick v1.0u; Features includes Always on topOne click/key stroke application access,Macros, Usage restriction on programs,Reboot, Quick exit, Scrapbook, ApplicationScheduling ect. Requires VBRUN200.DLL
REMS_W20.ZIP 379,545 04-01-94 REMINDER SYSTEM (Windows) v2.0; Never missanother important date again. Reminder'sadvance notification feature will alert youof important events long before they happen.End last minute scrambling. Excellentcalendar
RESDUET.ZIP 51,494 10-28-93 Resduet+ is a small Windows Restart and Resoup very little desktop space, can be moved auseful and only slightly noticeable. File se
RITEON21.ZIP 54,992 08-17-93 RightOn v2.1; Windows 3.1 utility whichallows you to program your right and middlemouse buttons to behave like the keyboardsending a keystroke to an application or asleft-mouse double-click event.
RM_20A.ZIP 239,856 08-02-93 Windows Reminder v2.0A; To-Do List Manager.Keeps track of to-do lists, set alarms (whiccan launch applications), prints reports ofcompleted work or work to do. Supports DDEand MSMail.
RSTART14.ZIP 9,758 09-07-93 Restart Win3.x without exiting, with C sourc
SECLAU.ZIP 42,325 12-28-93 Security for Windows - contains twoprograms that add a measure of securityto Windows. The first utility altersProgram Manager to remove the FILEcommand and SAVE options so no programscan be run that are not on the P
SENSE202.ZIP 15,435 08-07-93 Sense v2.01e; A little utility for MS Window3.1. It activates a window by just moving thmousecursor in it.The program works togetherwith all kinds of windows. (MDI, etc.)
SMTADR10.ZIP 194,537 12-20-93 SMART ADDRESS management for Windows!A sophisticated new address management systefor Windows. Full Windows MDI support, ModemSuppport, Envelope Printing, Label Printing(both with graphics), Mail-Shot capabilitiesUse
SMTTOP11.ZIP 28,095 01-04-94 SmartTop 1.1 - Always-on-Top utility.Allows you to mark any Window as"Always-on-Top" (like Windows Help) even ifit wasn't programmed that way. For example,keep the Calculator on top of Excel, orclipboard on top of W
SMWINDEM.ZIP 833,549 10-29-93 SEEDMASTER/WINDOWS BIBLE DEMO v2.3; CompleteWindows 3.1 Bible. Over 15 Bibles avail. Demdatabase is limited for BBS dist. Program isfull function. Easy Bible browse, fastsearch, exhaus- tive word list, user notes,mo
STARTAPP.ZIP 21,782 10-13-93 StartApp v1.0; Lets you start yourapplications standard, normal, maximized,minimized and hidden. It also lets youspecify the position and/or the size of theapplication and lets you start theapplication on top.
STAT33A.ZIP 130,243 11-19-93 Statline v3.3; The Ultimate Windows StatusLine Show date, time, memory, systemresources, and hard drive space Launchprograms; Exit Win fast; Program menu; MiniNotepad; Printer control and Much More!
SWFT15.ZIP 48,127 07-16-93 Swift Access v1.5; Swift Access providesiconic representations of your applicationson your Windows desktop. When you first runSwift Access, icons for the most frequentlyused Windows utilities will be loaded.
TIMECALC.ZIP 39,422 10-12-93 TimeCalcPro v1.0A teriffic time calculator.If you've ever had to add up a long list ofhours and minutes, this Windows program isfor you. Adds, subtracts, multiplies anddivides. Looks and behaves like a regularcalcul
TLBAR211.ZIP 190,768 10-18-93 Toolbar; Intended to provide some featureslacking in the Program and File ManagerProvides an alternative to the groups ofProgram Manager.
TODOW105.ZIP 117,321 10-30-93 WIN/SW: ToDoWin v1.05 - ToDo Manager, createfor ease of use. Sort by date or priority.
TS_PANEL.ZIP 81,687 08-16-93 TS-Panel; Easy to use always-on-top desktopinformation panel for Windows 3.1
TWDCE.ZIP 464,493 08-21-93 WinDial Corporate Edition 2.0: Windows 3.1phone book, dialer, data base, notes, etc.New: Network support, language support,background search, custom alphabet buttons,custom field names, clipboard dialing,improved im
TZ0112.ZIP 95,437 07-16-93 TimeZone v1.12: Windows 3.1 application whicdisplays the time in the 24 time zones(approximately) around the world.
VCP10.ZIP 396,977 01-04-94 Visual Calendar Planner 1.0 - Easiestcalendar planner program to use, virtuallynegligible learning curve. If you know how tuse a text editor/word processor, you alreadknow how to use Visual Calendar Planner. Itallow
VDT02W.ZIP 294,465 11-10-93 VDT is a toolset for use with the MicrosoftWindows operating environment. The toolsetprovides enhancements and improvements to thMicrosoft Windows environment. With the VDT(Virtual DeskTop) tool you can create awor
VWIN.ZIP 113,856 07-05-93 RE v2.0; Virtual Desktop for Windows.Features: Overall improved speed; addedlayout feature; smaller easier buttons;possibility to zap from Virtual Screen withminimized icon of RE menus always on top ornot; Virtual S
WARP20A.ZIP 47,265 08-02-93 Mouse Warp v2.0A: multi-purpose Windows mousenchancement util that enables you to changethe mouse pointer into various shapes, seleceither right/left-handed mouse pointers,blink the mouse after several seconds ofina
WDAT11.ZIP 8,559 07-04-93 WingDate provides a visual reminder ofupcoming events. Displayed in Month/Day ordewith the current date or next significantdate highlighted. Dates and Events are easilAdded, Updated, Deleted. req. VBRUN100.DLL
WDIAL110.ZIP 13,309 08-16-93 Wdial is an autodialer for modems with thehayes/AT-command set
WHATIDID.ZIP 482,014 10-27-93 WHATIDID Keystrokes/Mouse Product forWindows. Safe Windows 3.1 logger ofkeystrokes and mouse clicks by Applicationname and window. Detailed & summary reportsshow time in app and windows, clicks/strokesstrokes per ho
WINFST.ZIP 24,978 08-04-93 WIN FAST; Graphical Program Launcher for Win3.1. Drop Down Menu displays Groups inalphabet order. Button Bar displays Icons inItem-Name sequence so programs are easy tofind. You can turn Program Groups into Icons
WINGRAB2.ZIP 379,554 08-31-93 Telephone Contact Manager, Envelope and wordprocessor and send it to envelope in printerUse to dial phone and log calls, pasteaddress into your word processor and more!
WINK.ZIP 13,066 09-01-93 Display free memory in an icon for windows
WINTIMER.ZIP 98,499 08-31-93 Timer And Alarm Program For Windows 3.1.
WINTZ.ZIP 107,174 07-16-93 World TimeZones, shows time in several majorworld cities at once for Windows.
WNGDAT32.ZIP 48,520 11-15-93 WingDate v2.0: provides a quick visualreminder of upcoming important events. A lisof events is displayed in Month/Day orderwith the current date or next mostsignificant date highlighted. Dates andEvents can easily
WOTD_18.ZIP 194,136 01-31-94 On This Day for Windows v1.8; Program andcollection of databases to answer thequestion "What Happened On This Day InHistory?" Dates in 4 different calendars,"day of the week" calculations, Phases of thmoon, solstic
WPOST32B.ZIP 139,515 07-01-93 WINPOST v3.2b; Windows utility replacesyellow sticky notes for keeping track ofreminders. OLE support allows attachment toany OLE document. Alarm notes, toolbar, autsave and numerous other features make this a"mus
WSTIME.ZIP 58,715 03-03-94 Win SetTime v4.5; Dials the NIST in Boulder,CO and sets your system clock to the time
WTIME21.ZIP 83,568 08-01-93 Worldtime for Windows v2.10d; Automaticallyplaces the current local time inside itsprogram icon when the program window isminimized.
WWW201.ZIP 579,036 01-26-94 WIN,WHAT,WHERE 2.01; Time & usage monitorautomatically tracks everything you do inWindows. What's New: Hidden Mode, all newhistory, multiple time formats, data filterssorts, and much more!
YELLOW.ZIP 61,001 01-30-94 YELLOW STICKY v2.0; Windows 3.1 reminderprogram.- Not a day planner or scheduler,Yellow Sticky is a replacement for thepost-it notes on your desk of things you neeto do today. Helps you organize your day andget the
ZZZCLOCK.ZIP 4,438 11-15-93 A different type of digital clock